Explore United States of America

Pacific Region

The Pacific Region of United States refers to those states along the Pacific Ocean. There is a coastline along which the continental Western United States meets the Northern Pacific Ocean. With its Climate is regulated by the ocean currents, this region is home to acres of rain forests, and thousands of species of animals all along the coast.

Before Europeans reached North America, the Pacific Coast was inhabited by Native Americans that belongs to various cultural areas and language families which contributed to the vast amount of magnificent Aboriginal Artworks throughout the region.

From the Alaska tundra, to the forested Washington and Oregon States, and continue to the famous Sunny California; the Pacific Coast region’s rich cultural and natural landscapes are waiting for you to explore.

Browse US Pacific Region Packages

    5 Days Fairbanks Aurora Experience

    United States, US Pacific Coast

    - Fairbanks | Chena Hot Springs - Alaska, the final frontier. Enjoy a relaxing holiday at the prestigious Chena Hot Springs Resort, seek out the majestic Northern Lights, and embrace an experience with native Alaska. Start location: Fairbanks, Alaska End…

    Images of the Pacific Region of US